Red Stripes

I have a bit of obsession with stripes and my collection of striped garments is forever expanding. Recently I've welcomed the most gorgeous Motel Rocks skirt into my wardrobe and it's from MeeMee!
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Cami Top - Topshop
Skirt - MeeMee(*)
Boots - My 1st Wish (*)
I am absolutely in love with this outfit! It's perfect to wear during the day and you can wear this outfit at night too. I'd wear this outfit with a plain top/crop top on top and in the colder days I'd wear this outfit with thick black opaque tights and an oversized jumper tucked into the skirt with a leather jacket and converse!
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Cami Top - Topshop
Skirt - MeeMee(*)
Boots - My 1st Wish (*)
 photo IMG_7363_zps83b3880e.jpg
 photo IMG_7365_zps18e1b5bc.jpgI think this is a bargain skirt at only £25! It's a fab investment to any wardrobe and I really think stripes are timeless!
What do you think of this outfit? How would you wear this skirt?