Painted Gold Glass Tutorial

Every year, the photo stylists at Oxmoor House go to market in New York. They come back with loads of new props and everyday in the weeks after they get back its like Christmas because there are so many packages delivered to be unpacked. I remember the day they got a shipment from Jayson Home and these gold glasses were in the box. I was so smitten with them and every time I would see them in the prop closet, I would dream of having them. The only problem with these gorgeous glasses is that they are 20 dollars for one glass. I don't know if its just me, but I just can't justify spending 20 dollars for one glass, no matter how pretty. I've been brainstorming for a while on how to recreate these glasses myself and I finally came up with a somewhat similar solution.

So they aren't exact but I created a fun pattern and texture that I think gives the same effect as the Jayson Home Glasses. Here is what you need: 

Set of Glasses (I got this set of for from Target for $3.75, such a steal!) 
Gold Glass Paint (I used Martha Stewart from Michaels
Rounded Sponge Stamper Brush

What to do: Take the stamper and just start making dots across the glass. I didn't tape the glasses off or anything, I just kind of freehanded with the stamper all over the bottom half of the glass. I would give some of the dots a little bit of texture with excess paint on the stamper. After you have painted all the glasses, place them in the oven to set the paint for an hour. This should make them dishwasher safe. Then use the glasses for your next cocktail party or use them as cute vases, which is what I am doing with them right now! Overall, this project cost me about 8 dollars and I got 4 glasses out of it so I call that a success!