gaining inspiration

Hi there! I took an unplanned blogging break last week for the holiday weekend. Last week I spent 2 days training the 2 fellows who replaced me at Oxmoor House and it was the weirdest feeling teaching someone else to do the tasks that you diligently performed for a year with the hopes you would get hired. I taught them the ins and the outs and how to work the programs and which plates go where,  I left hopeful they can take on the job that I loved for a year. Then I just unplugged for a few days to celebrate a rainy 4th of July and spent some time with my family. Then Saturday while browsing Pinterest, my computer started acting funny and then took a turn for the worse and my hard drive failed. My one year old Macbook Pro- kaput. Luckily, I had given my little sister my 5 year old Macbook that is still working perfect and she loaned it back to me while they replace the hard drive.

I spent my few days away from blogging refocusing and really thinking about my future. While back at OH, I started talking with freelance stylists about assisting and even planned a few days to assist some of them on various shoots. I started my fellowship thinking I wanted to be a photographer but I quickly learned that while I love taking pictures, I like setting the stage a little bit more. I've realized that photo styling is what I want to do but its so tricky to get into. I am hoping that through assisting I can really pick up the skill and build my experience.

(obviously sweet frozen treats are on my mind, thinking of a recipe to try this week!)

So before my hard drive sadly failed, I was spending my day browsing Pinterest finding inspiration. Gorgeous shots that I would like to recreate or looking through stylists' portfolios who I admire. I really want to take the time to make things that are pretty and then share them with you all. This is a goal that I don't want to give up on and sometimes I do think about giving up and finding another job but I just don't know that I would be happy until I know that I tried my hardest on this goal and if then it doesn't work out, then maybe I will start to look for something else. I'm only 23 once and I know I won't be able to get away with not working regularly and living at home forever but for now, I have a goal and I want to accomplish it and I hope that this blog and the direction I am going with this blog will help me.

This was kind of a wordy post but I just wanted to get it out there and share my feelings with my faithful readers. I know a lot of you have goals that you wish to achieve and I hope this inspires you to go out and work on them. Happy Monday!