Boohoo Festival

This time of the year means festival fashion time and I absolutely love it! I wish I was going to more festivals as I love wearing my pair of black or red hunter wellingtons! I thought I would do a few more 'festival' themed blog posts to help inspire you all for the festivals you're all probably going to this summer!
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Floral Crown - Boohoo(*)
Cami Top - Topshop
Aztec Print Shorts - Boohoo(*)

I'm wearing this cami top which I'm obsessed with right now and it's also available in neon pink aswell as yellow and turquoise! I think it works perfectly with these boohoo shorts as they make the outfit really stand out! I love how the cami top also clashes with the floral crown!
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Floral Crown - Boohoo(*)
Cami Top - Topshop
Aztec Print Shorts - Boohoo(*)

I think this is a great outfit for a festival and that with a parka on top of this outfit like this one for when it gets a little bit more chilly! I'd wear this outfit with a pair of black hunter wellies as red hunters would clash a little too much!
What do you think of this outfit? What would you wear to a festival? & don't forget to enter my ASOS VOUCHER GIVEAWAY!a Rafflecopter giveaway