summer to-dos

I'm a perpetual list maker. Always making lists about everything and anywhere I go I usually have a list. Since I'm not really doing much this summer I've decided to make a summer to-do list of things I want to spend more time doing!


First off, bake, cook, photograph and style more.  I realized the other day, I have over 1,000 recipes on my "Recipes to Try" board on Pinterest. I have probably made maybe 10-15 of those recipes. I have a bookshelf full of cookbooks I have gotten over the past year that I never really use. I just got a brand new camera that takes great photos and a stack of props I got when we prepped for a prop sale at work. I have all these tools and I need to utilize them to share with you guys! 


Craft more. I love a good DIY, I love going to the Thrift store and once again a growing list of things on my craft board I want to try. I have one in the works this week that I hope to share by Friday with you guys. I wish "professional crafter" was a job because I'm pretty sure I would enjoy it. I think thats part of the reason I am interested in photo styling because you do get to craft a little bit on certain projects. 
Organize the closet and the room situation. I posted earlier about wanting to "grow" my room up a little and I have made some good strides. I just need to clean out and straighten up the closet and then that will help my room out a bunch, there are clothes everywhere right now! 


Make a designated quiet time. I bought Jesus Calling for my kindle a while back and I love it, the only problem is I don't make a distinct time everyday to read it so then I get behind and I miss each day's message. Everyday I do read I feel so much better and I just feel like it gets what I need to hear. Especially during this time where I'm not sure what is going to happen next, I need that spiritual time each day to reassure myself that God is in control. 


Read more. I'm such a bookworm and I thought that once I was out of college I would read more. Wrong. Jobs get in the way of reading too so I want to try and read more while I have the time. First up on my list is Revenge Wears Prada. What else should I add to my list? 


Lastly I just want to lay by the pool and relax some. I feel like I am always going, always stressing and worrying lately, I just need to take time for myself and relax. Read by the pool, get some sun and forget about things for a little while. 

So that is my summer to-do list.. What's on yours?