Copycat Recipe: Cookie Butter

Ikea, Nordstrom, H&M, and Trader Joe's. What do these things have in common? They don't have stores in Birmingham. Its such a bummer, so whenever I go to Atlanta, I have to stop at the places and stock up. Of course one thing that everyone loves from Trader Joe's is Cookie Butter.. I mean how can you not? Its just so delicious! The local newspaper did a survey of the most wanted stores in the state and Trader Joe's topped the list. The paper then reached out to TJ's and asked if they planned to open a store here any time soon and sadly the answer was no. So I searched Pinterest for a recipe for the delectable cookie butter and of course I found one! It was so stinkin easy, I can't even tell you how simple and fast it was.

I got the recipe from Averie Cooks and its actually Cookie Peanut Butter, which for me makes it even better because I am a peanut butter lover. You start out making your own peanut butter base and then you add everything else.. I am going off on a little sidenote here but first if you don't have a food processor, go out and buy one, that thing is amazing. Second I think from here on out, I will be making my peanut butter homemade, it was so easy, and tasted like the honey roasted peanut butter you can buy at Whole Foods for $4.99 a pound. A can of honey roasted peanuts at Target is $2.50 and thats the only ingredient you need. I'm obsessed..

So back to Cookie Butter, here is what you need:
(my cousin Lake, loves to be my little helper.. his favorite thing was putting the gingersnaps into the food processor)

16 ounces of honey roasted or dry roasted peanuts
12 to 15 gingersnap cookies (whatever brand you prefer, I used Market Pantry-Target brand)
1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (I got home and realized we didn't have any so I used cinnamon sugar and it turned out fine)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 heaping cup white chocolate chips

Add peanuts to the canister of the food processor and turn on high until creamy like peanut butter, this will probably take about 5 minutes. Then add the gingersnap cookies, cinnamon and vanilla and process for 1-2 minutes. I put the cookies in whole and they crushed up fine, if you aren't sure if your food processor will grind them whole, maybe crush them up a little first. After all of that is mixed together, add in the white chocolate chips and process for another 1-2 minutes until it is smooth and creamy. Then transfer and store into a glass jar. Try not to eat the whole thing at once, its seriously so delicious and you can eat so much with it, cookies, crackers, whatever.. My favorite thing to do is mix a little into some greek yogurt for a sweet and semi-healthy treat.