Summer WishList

This summer has wound up being not the summer I quite expected, but being  out of a job and not sure where to go next but it has actually turned out to be a good thing for me, I have been getting so much done and doing projects that I never got around to. I have had to tighten the belt on my spending though which leads to me doing a lot of window shopping and making wishlists for different things. Last week I did a major haul on my closet and realized that I really don't need any new clothes for summer but a girl can dream right? Since I spent the last year working for a cookbook publishing company and being around props 24/7, I have also acquired an addiction to home and table accessories so on top of my fashion wishlist, I have made an entertaining wishlist of things that I think would be great for summer entertaining. Combine the two and you would have a fashionable summer party!

I am linking up with Long Distance Loving's Friday's Fancies! I'm sure I will be spotting more items to add to my wishlist! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.