for the lawn loving dad

My dad loves working in the yard. Every Saturday you know that's where he will be. He has even taken up cutting my elderly next door neighbor's yard because he just loves doing it so much. My dad also has quite the sweet tooth so the other day when I was browsing Pinterest and stumbled upon these cupcakes I had to try and make them.

So mine aren't quite as cute as the site I found the idea from but my dad loved them. Here is what you need to make these adorable cupcakes. I did a few things a little differently than the source because I didn't have all of the same ingredients so I had to improvise just a little! 

  • Mini Hershey Candy Bars for the body
  • M&Ms for the wheels
  • Pretzels for the handles (the source used candy melts but I'm not a huge candy melt fan and I thought pretzels were just as cute) 
  • Cake Mix- I used Betty Crocker Supermoist Mix, the Test Kitchen where I used to work would use that mix all the time on General Mills projects and it never really disappoints. 
  • Icing- Once again used BC Whipped Icing colored with green food coloring. I wish I had put a few more drops of green because it turned out a more mint color. 
  • Icing tip, Wilton makes one that looks like grass, I do not have this tip so I used another tip I had but it ended up looking like I just iced them by hand which is fine too! 
These were super easy to make, I just made the cupcakes, iced them, then assembled the lawn mowers with icing and stuck them on top. They are super fun for a dad who loves sweets and loves the yard!