building my wrap(ping) skills

I have to admit, I am terrible at wrapping presents. It is just a skill I can't seem to master. Every Christmas I am put in charge of wrapping all the gifts for my mom and every year I try and try but I just can't master it. When we were working on a Christmas book at work, I tried to watch and learn from one of the stylists but still couldn't get it. For Father's day, I headed to Target (yes I know, I go there for everything) and picked out some cute paper determined to do a good job at wrapping it. After practicing a little, I wrapped the present up pretty well and everyone was a little shocked. With wedding season and birthdays coming up, I definitely want to build the wrap skill, so I pulled a little inspiration and found a few gift wrapping essentials that I think might help me get better. Is anyone else bad like me?

Any excuse to use pink and gold! 

How cute is this gift idea? Find a cute wooden box, bake some cupcakes or cookies, get some candles and make some confetti and boom! A birthday box, a gift with built in wrapping! 

I love this paper because it looks like Paper Source but you can print it for free from the source! 

Continuing my obsession with washi tape, it is the perfect accessory to a simple wrapping paper.

I love the lace details on these gifts, they would be so pretty for a wedding gift. 

These are a few of my favorite finds. Some of my favorite places to hit up for cute gift wrap are Target (duh!), Paper Source and Etsy. I have also found some cute bows and paper at Walmart before, you never really know where you might find cute stuff for your gift collection. 

Where are your favorite places to go for fun gift wrap?