A little bit Tribal

Okay I'll admit it I love playsuits. It's a bad addiction but they are so so so so comfortable and easy to wear! I wear them during the day and I wear them out at night too and I absolutely love them and how comfy and versatile they are! The latest addition to my playsuit collection is this tribal beauty from Missguided.
Playsuit - Missguided(*)
Boots - Ebay
This is the type of playsuit which is perfect for the spring/summer months! It would look absolutely amazing with a pair of sandals and a denim jacket (if it's cold!) and a massive pair of sunnies to wear during the sunshine!
Playsuit - Missguided(*)
Boots - Ebay
I really love the colours on this playsuit and think they are perfect for summer! and at only £22.99 this playsuit is a teeny bit of a bargain!
Playsuit - Missguided(*)
Boots - Ebay
What do you think of this playsuit? How would you wear it?
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